You can download on the Patreon the Resource Pack (For supporters tier) and even with a worldfile showing you all of the scenarios that appear on the last teaser! (for Contributors tier)

By clicking on the image you’ll be sent to our Exclusive Content of the Project, where you can download with the Paid Subscriptions a unique Dune-architecture Resource Pack, and a World that teaches you how to use the complex tricks of decoration and VFX from the team of XAE.


What is Project XAE?

Project XAE is the biggest and most ambitious Minecraft map ever planned, like an entire videogame inside another videogame. With the objective of not only launching an amazing videogame inside of Minecraft and opening the modding and mapmaking market to the mainstream public, but also with the objective that the "map" project turns into an independent Videogame afterwards.

What is this meta-game named Project XAE about?

It is all focused on the first-person narration of a story of Bekure Berhan, a Nibumbiyan agent from the fake-named galaxy XAE that has never seen the planet itself due to cryogenization. His mission will lead him towards a spiritual liberation and a messianic destiny crossing through dimensions and realities.

The project itself reflects a side of genuine consciousness-opening and an arc of spiritual psychedelic journey. A kind of sci-fi that bends the mind, and gives questions for the player to ask for themselves and reality interpretation, relativity and absolute.

In the next video you can have a teaser of what we’re working on:

How are we developing it:

The entire project will be easily playable in vanilla, that means that there are no mods included.

We’re currently developing a third-person camera system, since our mechanics will be inspired on Hack-and-slash and Souls-like games.

Our general focus is to make something very dynamic, very cinematic, but entirely playable, a concept found so appealing in the Half Life sequels. Basically keeping a strong script, and giving at the same time freedom for the player to go around.

For us to make this project we deeply desire independently, we have to get our funding, since the budget itself for making a project top quality, even in Minecraft, has its own cost.

For that reason and because we want to open this now to the public, you can see our progress from a closer-perspective and talk directly to us, hear our development and metaphysic podcasts, be a part of our beta testing team, we decided to open the project publicly with a Patreon where you can have all of those benefits and more.

You can not only directly donate down below, but we also wanted to give you something in return, some benefit for trusting us and helping us. That’s why we’ve made the subscriptions.

Accessing here, you will have:

  1. Full edited teasers with images, videos, raw gameplay footage, audio, and more

  2. A unique Discord role with special secret channels, an easier way to keep you updated.

  3. Written updates, pieces of lore, worldbuilding context, storylines and more on our special blog.

  4. Developer Podcasts with open Q&A, and optional Development livestream sessions

  5. Original Concepts, AI-Generated Images, Original Handmade Sketches

  6. You’ll be part of our Subscriber team of Beta testing

  7. We can call you for NPCs voice acting.

  8. Cosmetic Gifts for Subscribers only (In-Game Playermodel Custom Design when the game is released)

Join our public community right now.

Here you will meet amazing people, and you can see our public progress on the project:

(Click on the image)



    We launched a new teaser announcing everybody our Patreon. We opened it before for our confidents, it’s time for everyone to see it.

  • Patreon-Web Opening!

    Right now

    We noticed you guys about the project Pepi’s team is developing and having a grand opening about the page.


In case you’ve already subscribed, or you want to give directly a donation towards our project, here you can.

In this way, you’ll help directly and in major ways the entire project and team.



  • Alejandro Elías Tello

    Executive Director

  • David Díaz

    Programming Leader

  • Toby Plowy

    Texturing & Assets Artist

  • Roberto Denches

    Mechanic Creative Design

  • Erkko_68

    Main Mechanics Programmer

  • ImNight

    3D Artist and Renderer

Follow our journey.